Geriatric nurse - Altenpfleger/in

The remuneration of geriatric nurses is usually regulated by a collective agreement. The remuneration can vary depending on the employer. The remuneration also depends on the type of work performed within the organization (management position or not, full or part time, first-time employed or experienced persons).

Geriatric care assistant - Altenpflegehelfer/in

The work of the Altenpflegehelfer/in is not always regulated by collective agreements, so that the remuneration can differ. Nevertheless the remuneration is usually based on the classification of the Collective Agreement for the Public Service (TVöD) which came into force in October 2005. Even in the private sector collective agreements have a significant impact on remuneration. As a guideline from the field of public services, an amount of about 2000 Euros to 2200 Euros gross wage by full employment is to be expected.

For further information and comparison see:


Geriatric auxiliary assistant - Hilfskraft Altenpflege

The remuneration is not regulated by collective agreements, therefore there are considerable regional differences. It can vary from 1.300€ to 1.700€ gross salary; Minijobs (on a 450 € basis) are very common.