Education and Training

Vocational education in care occupations takes place in post-secondary schools in one-year or two-year cycles. It can be provided as in-school regular programmes, in extramural form or in vocational qualification courses.
All care occupations contain one qualification and can complement one another.

Characteristics of care occupations

1. Medical care assistant – qualification Z.4 – providing care services to a sick and dependent person.
2. Community care worker – qualification Z.5. providing care services.
3. Care assistant in social welfare house – qualification Z.6. providing care and support services to a care recipient.
4. Home caregiver / care assistant for elderly people- qualification Z.7. providing care and support services to elderly persons.
5. Care assistant for the disabled – qualification Z.8. providing assistance and organising support for a disabled person.
In the course of education in each occupation students acquire skills defined in the qualification as well as skills common for vocational education. Those common skills constitute a foundation for education in particular occupations or a group of occupations.
The core curriculum defines a minimum number of didactic hours foreseen for achievement of learning outcomes depending on the length of educational cycle (1 year /2 years).

Duration of Training

  • medical care assistant: 720 hours
  • community care worker: 560 hours
  • care assistant in social welfare house: 1240 hours
  • home caregiver / care assistant for elderly people: 1240 hours
  • care assistant for the disabled: 560 hours

Care assistants in social welfare houses and home caregivers / care assistants for elderly people are educated in 2-year cycles (4 semesters), the remaining occupations (medical care assistant, community care worker, care assistant for the disabled) are educated in 1-year cycles (2 semesters).

Education and Training providers

  • public post-secondary schools,
  • private post-secondary schools having a status of a public schools, run by associations and private entities

Costs for Education and Training

In public schools education is free of charge, but in private schools there is a fee that ranges from 100 to 300 PLN per month. The fee may be reduced depending on the financing model of a particular education provider. Many private schools offer programmes free of charge for attendees because they are financed by the EFS.