Since the beginning of the nineties of the 20th century we can observe the progress in the aging process of the Polish society, expressed in an increasing number of people in retirement age and in a decreasing number of people in the productive age. Because of that, Poland is part of the wide demografic trend, which is characteristic for most of the european countries.
In Polandf the number of people aged 60 and more will increase significantly in the years 2012-2013 and the whole population will decrease in this time period over than 2 milions people.

At the moment. ca 13,5 % of the Polish society ist older than 65 (5 millions). Until 2030 this number will double (Source: Main Statistical Office).


In Poland the elderly care is carried out by two cooperating sectors: Healthcare and social care

  • Healthcare –(institutional and home care )

Institutional care takes place in care and treatment center, hospices, and clinics.
Home care takes place in cooperation with the family doctor, care assistent for elderly people and community care workers. The minimum time of care for one patient is 1,5 hour/Day, not less than 4 days/week.

  • Social care – (institutional, daily care and home care)

Institutional care takes place in social houses for elderly person (24 hours care).
Daily care takes place in daily house for elderly person. These institutions are provided and financed by the local government organisations and also by NGOs and church organisations.
Home care is carried out by professional care givers. Max. Time of care is 8 hours/day.

Besides the institutional care there is the private home care.
The care givers can be employed by the patient or his/her family. Very offten care givers live together with patient.